

Run a console app

To execute a C# project using the console, you can simply use these commands:

If you are currently in the project folder, you can just execute this:

  $ dotnet run

If you are not, you can use the "--project" flag.

  dotnet run --project "PATH"

There are many other flags for "dotnet run", here is a quick overview:

  dotnet run [-a|--arch ] [-c|--configuration ]
    [-f|--framework ] [--force] [--interactive]
    [--launch-profile ] [--no-build]
    [--no-dependencies] [--no-launch-profile] [--no-restore]
    [--os ] [--project ] [-r|--runtime ]
    [--tl:[auto|on|off]] [-v|--verbosity ]
    [[--] [application arguments]]

  dotnet run -h|--help
